The Treasure I've Found Through Treasure Hunting


Treasures I've Found Through My Treasure Hunting Hobby


A Start

I love treasure hunting. It has been my one of my beloved hobbies since 2003. I just left it when I went to Manila and other parts of the world. But when I came back to my place it has been ignited again.

The first time I tried to have that activity when one of my friends had a dream when we spent our three nights in the mountain, on top of it, when we had our mini-camping of just about 6 people with two tents. One for the boys and the other one for the girls. 

The first night was really wonderful because we had laughter and sharing of our experiences with one another since all of us were just new friends. We had a short devotional since we all both love God and always talk about Him. The second night was the turning point of our activity. We had been talking many things, sharing of ideas and a lot more. Everyone was really happy and almost spent the whole night just talking, sometimes, silly things except one of our friends, Rene, who was probably so tired so he just went to sleep early. 

Suddenly, while we were talking, he woke up, in a surprise way, and walked roaming around as if he was looking for something. We all were shocked and speechless while looking at him.

"Hey, what are you looking for?" my other friend said.

He did not say anything. He just continued checking the place where we pitched our tents. Probably, 5 minutes after, he went back to sleep again without saying any single word. And that made us wonder until the next morning. But since it was still early for us to go to sleep so we continued talking until midnight.

The next morning, I saw Rene woke up too early and still was not done with his search for something. He picked up something and watched it closely and investigatively. He picked up some broken clay, broken porcelain jar, while I was watching him. To my curiosity, I went to him and asked about what he is doing and why it seems he is restless this time. Then he told us, since everyone was also awaken that time, that last night he had a dream. He was dreaming of a man, with a long white beard, talking to him and had an instruction that we can roam around the top of the mountain and do as we wish but never touch the portion, he was pointing a place with his finger, because he said, there is something in here. So that made Rene and us wonder about that place.

"We need a detector!" a friend shouted. 

We need a detector to know it. We asked friends if they know friends who has a detector and we found an old man, who also was a treasure hunter, and we took him to that place. The only thing is that he did not know the dream and where that place pointed by the man in the dream. What he knew is that we need a detector and we need him since he also has many experiences even with his detector, he uses in treasure hunting. So we went up to the mountain and he started using his detector to detect the place. 

His detector was a dowsing rod, which is just traditional. He tried to check the whole place and detected two places, as he said, one has gold deposit underneath and the other has silver deposit. The one that is detected which has a gold deposit underneath it was the place that man in the dream pointed out. 

"Boom!" One of our friends shouted.

Tatay Mario, who was the owner of the detector, tried to check the shape of the place with the gold deposit and he found out as what the detector revealed, it is a rectangle as if it is a coffin. And we decided to start digging that night, which is the third day of our mini-camping.

The Digging

We prepared many things for digging. We recruited two people to backup and we made three groups, since we were six boys, four of us were part of the mini-camping and two were recruited backups. So each group has two members. Each group was designated with positions. One for lookout, the other for digging and the last group for sleeping. Each would take turn every hour, which means if a group is designated for digging, then that group should be for lookout when taking turn and the sleeping group would be for digging again, and lookout for sleeping, and so on... We had been working digging until we stopped. 

We started at 9 o'clock evening and we stopped at 3 a.m. 

"We have to stop!" one of my friends told the whole group and he explained why and we stopped when we understood.

We stopped in the middle of our work because we reached the part of our digging with a really hard portion which we believe that we were deceived and we thought it was already a rock and needed to withdraw for we could not break that huge boulder which we could see that it is already just a natural rock.

We finished our camping activities in there and we left the place.

The Impact of Digging

What impact that experience in my life is that, as what I interviewed with other people who encounter people who also had that hobby, that there are many places in the island which have huge deposit of gold left by the Japanese during World War II. All knowledge I got from those reliable sources left in my brain. 

In 2005, I went to Manila, Ilocos Norte, Indonesia, Singapore, and some parts of the Philippines and came back to my place. 

In 2014, I was working at one of the colleges in the island. Every day, I go to school and I always pass to the barangay where I had that first experience of treasure hunting. It also seems it hunts my conscience to work to that place again and continue to dig to where we started.

I met other treasure hunters too and told to them my story about that mountain and they were convinced to work too. So we started and we found so many signs of deposits in there with the way they, too, examined the place with there detector and knowledge through their experiences and we gave up. Why? We stopped when we meet hard rocks in digging since we only used manual way of digging with few equipment. 

We tried to find another places, including caves, seashores, etc. It takes half of my every year doing my hobby. We work so hard, with manual way of doing digging with traditional equipment! I have been doing treasure hunting for six years now but never have found treasures yet which I believe it is because we stop when we could not break hard boulders and cement! Though that is what we experience but we still continue doing it until we could find even just one and it is enough for us, for me.

Doing treasure hunting, sometimes, our families are at stake! Even our health, jobs, and relationships suffer! Because we go out doing it at night and going back home at dawn. We continue doing this until we stop because we face hardships while working especially when traps are encountered! We are making just for our family! We find treasures for our family!

Last Night

Last night, I slept alone in our house because my wife and my three kids were at the house of my parents in another town. I left them there because we need to do something in that town and we need to have it done in three days! Since I also have a job in the town where we live, so I have to come back home every afternoon! And they don't need to go home every day since my kids are still at the age of 5 below! So I go to sleep alone!

While I was lying down waiting to be slept, I feel the emptiness of our bed with no kids and mom with me. I badly felt so sad and lonely wondering how they are. I feel so alone wherein I always have my kids and my wife with me when we sleep at night! And now I sleep alone. I almost have to hug all their blankets and pillows imagining that it is them to ease my loneliness! 

I just realized that there is no greatest treasure in the world to make you happy and give you real joy than to have that treasure when every member of the family stays together! I just realized that the treasure I always search for in my search for it in a hobby is when I have all my kids and my beautiful wife with me are the greatest treasure I already have!

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